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Author : Dominique Penninck , Marc-Andre d'Anjou Finishing : Paperback, 584 pages ISBN : 9781118359983 Edition Number: October/2015 ATLAS OF SMALL ANIMAL ULTRASONOGRAPHY 2nd Edition Dominique Penninck , Marc-Andre d'Anjou Author Information: Dominique Penninck, DVM, PhD, DACVR, DECVDI, is Professor of Diagnostic Imaging in the Department of Clinical Sciences, Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, Tufts...
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Descripción completa de: ATLAS OF SMALL ANIMAL ULTRASONOGRAPHY - Penninck

Author : Dominique Penninck , Marc-Andre d'Anjou

Finishing : Paperback, 584 pages

ISBN : 9781118359983

Edition Number: October/2015


Dominique Penninck , Marc-Andre d'Anjou

Author Information:

Dominique Penninck, DVM, PhD, DACVR, DECVDI, is Professor of Diagnostic Imaging in the Department of Clinical Sciences, Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, Tufts University.

Marc-André d'Anjou, DMV, DACVR, is Clinical Radiologist at Centre Vétérinaire Rive-Sud in the Montréal area, as well as at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Université de Montréal, where he was a professor for ten years.

Both are leading researchers in small animal ultrasonography and actively involved in helping students and veterinarians improve their sonographic skills using innovative multimedia teaching tools.


Atlas of Small Animal Ultrasonography, Second Edition is a comprehensive reference for ultrasound techniques and findings in small animal practice, with more than 2000 high-quality sonograms and illustrations of normal structures and disorders.

  • Provides a comprehensive collection of more than 2000 high-quality images, including both normal and abnormal ultrasound features, as well as relevant complementary imaging modalities and histopathological images
  • Covers both common and uncommon disorders in small animal patients
  • Offers new chapters on practical physical concepts and artifacts and abdominal contrast sonography
  • Includes access to a companion website with over 140 annotated video loops of the most important pathologies covered in each section of the book
Table of contents:

Contributors vii

Preface ix

About the CompanionWebsite xi

1. Practical Physical Concepts and Artifacts 1
Marc-André d’Anjou and Dominique Penninck

2. Eye and Orbit 19
Stefano Pizzirani, Dominique Penninck and Kathy Spaulding

3. Neck 55
Allison Zwingenberger and Olivier Taeymans

4. Thorax 81
Silke Hecht and Dominique Penninck

5. Heart 111
Donald Brown, Hugues Gaillot and Suzanne Cunningham

6. Liver 183
Marc-André d’Anjou and Dominique Penninck

7. Spleen 239
Silke Hecht andWilfried Mai

8. Gastrointestinal Tract 259
Dominique Penninck and Marc-André d’Anjou

9. Pancreas 309
Dominique Penninck and Marc-André d’Anjou

10. Kidneys and Ureters 331
Marc-André d’Anjou and Dominique Penninck

11. Bladder and Urethra 363
James Sutherland-Smith and Dominique Penninck

12. Adrenal Glands 387
Marc-André d’Anjou and Dominique Penninck

13. Female Reproductive Tract 403
Rachel Pollard and Silke Hecht

14. Male Reproductive Tract 423
Silke Hecht and Rachel Pollard

15. Abdominal Cavity, Lymph Nodes, and Great Vessels 455
Marc-André d’Anjou and Éric Norman Carmel

16. Clinical Applications of Contrast Ultrasound 481
Robert O’Brien and Gabriela Seiler

17. Musculoskeletal System 495
Marc-André d’Anjou and Laurent Blond

18. Spine and Peripheral Nerves 545
Judith Hudson and Marc-André d’Anjou

Index 563

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