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Veneer Restorations - Essential Steps for Esthetic Success - Oswaldo Scopin

Veneer Restorations - Essential Steps for Esthetic Success - Oswaldo Scopin


Author: Oswaldo Scopin Language: English Finishing: DVD, 49 minutes  ISBN: D124-00 Author Information: Dr. Oswaldo Scopin de Andrade DDS, MS,PhD. Master and PhD in prosthodontics at State University of Campinas-FOP-UNICAMP, Brazil. Advanced Post Graduated Program in Prosthodontics at New York Univesity College of Dentistry. Teaching Fellow, Departament of Prosthodontics NYU College of Dentistry. Assistant Editor...
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Descripción completa de: Veneer Restorations - Essential Steps for Esthetic Success - Oswaldo Scopin

Author: Oswaldo Scopin

Language: English

Finishing: DVD, 49 minutes 

ISBN: D124-00

Author Information:

Dr. Oswaldo Scopin de Andrade DDS, MS,PhD. Master and PhD in prosthodontics at State University of Campinas-FOP-UNICAMP, Brazil. Advanced Post Graduated Program in Prosthodontics at New York Univesity College of Dentistry. Teaching Fellow, Departament of Prosthodontics NYU College of Dentistry. Assistant Editor of Dental Press Esthetic Journal, Official Publication of SBOE (Brazilian Society of Esthetic Dentistry). Scientific Director of the Spazio Educiation by Dario Adolfi, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Director of the Advanced Program in Implant and Esthetic Dentistry, SENAC University, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Private practice emphasizing Implant and Restorative Esthetic Dentistry.


Laminate Ceramic Veneers are widely accepted as the treatment of choice for long term esthetic anterior restorations. Among many advantages, when compared with conventional crown preparation, this modality of treatment allows the clinician to obtain an outstanding result in terms of esthetic, as well as a conservative preparation, saving a great amount of tooth structure if correct planning is applied. Temporary restorations will be described carefully to help the dentist and the patient have a preview of the final treatment. Clinical success also depends on bonding procedures. Each detail of the most recommended technique for luting a ceramic veneer will be presented. The correct treatment planning is based on photography documentation, comunication with the laboratory and clinical steps. All of which will be discussed in this presentation.

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