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Handbook of Veterinary Pharmacology - Walter H. Hsu

Handbook of Veterinary Pharmacology - Walter H. Hsu


Author :Walter H. Hsu Finishing :: Paperback, 568 pages ISBN :  : 978-0-8138-2837-4 Edition Number:2008 Description This book is a clear and concise guide to pharmacology concepts and commonly used veterinary drugs. Providing a succinct overview of veterinary pharmacology, this book presents information in a user-friendly outline format to allow quick access to...
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Descripción completa de: Handbook of Veterinary Pharmacology - Walter H. Hsu

Author :Walter H. Hsu

Finishing :: Paperback, 568 pages

ISBN :  : 978-0-8138-2837-4

Edition Number:2008


This book is a clear and concise guide to pharmacology concepts and commonly used veterinary drugs. Providing a succinct overview of veterinary pharmacology, this book presents information in a user-friendly outline format to allow quick access to practical drug information. With chapters covering the basic principles, specific drugs, interactions, and legal considerations, Handbook of Veterinary Pharmacology offers up-to-date information on basic and clinical veterinary pharmacology.

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: Principles of Drug Absorption, Disposition, and Action (Richard J. Martin and Walter H. Hsu).
  • Chapter 2: Drugs Affecting Peripheral Nervous System (Walter H. Hsu).
  • Chapter 3: Autacoids and Their Pharmacological Modulators (Anumantha G. Kanthasamy and Walter H. Hsu).
  • Chapter 4: Drugs Acting on the Central Nervous System (Walter H. Hsu and Dean H. Riedesel).
  • Chapter 5: Behavior Modifying Drugs (Arthi Kanthasamy).
  • Chapter 6: Anesthetics (Dean H. Riedesel).
  • Chapter 7: Nonsteroid Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) (Walter H. Hsu and Arthi Kanthasamy).
  • Chapter 8: Drugs Acting on the Cardiovascular System (Wendy A. Ware).
  • Chapter 9: Diuretics (Franklin A. Ahrens).
  • Chapter 10: Respiratory Pharmacology (Dean H. Riedesel).
  • Chapter 11: Drugs Acting on the Digestive System (Albert E. Jergens and Franklin A. Ahrens).
  • Chapter 12: Endocrine Pharmacology (Walter H. Hsu).
  • Chapter 13: Topical Dermatology Therapy (James O. Noxon).
  • Chapter 14: Ocular Pharmacology (Daniel M. Betts).
  • Chapter 15: Antimicrobial Drugs (Franklin A. Ahrens and Richard J. Martin).
  • Chapter 16: Antiparasitic Agents (Walter H. Hsu and Richard J. Martin).
  • Chapter 17: Antineoplastic Drugs (Dr. Leslie E. Fox).
  • Chapter 18: Fluid and Blood Therapy (Walter H. Hsu).
  • Chapter 19: Drug Interactions and Adverse Drug Reactions (Walter H. Hsu and Franklin A. Ahrens).
  • Chapter 20: Legal Aspects of Medication Usage in Veterinary Medicine (Stephen D. Martin)

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