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rhBMP-2 Grafting for Socket, Ridge and Sinus Augmentation - Jovanovic / Wikesjö


Author: Sascha A. Jovanovic / Ulf Wikesjö Language: English Finishing: DVD, 191 minutes  ISBN: LCS-07 Author Information: Sascha Jovanovic - He was formally trained in Periodontics at UCLA School of Dentistry, in Implant Dentistry at Loma Linda University and in Prosthodontics at University of Aachen, Germany and holds a Master of Sciences degree...
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Descripción completa de: rhBMP-2 Grafting for Socket, Ridge and Sinus Augmentation - Jovanovic / Wikesjö

Author: Sascha A. Jovanovic / Ulf Wikesjö

Language: English

Finishing: DVD, 191 minutes 


Author Information:

Sascha Jovanovic - He was formally trained in Periodontics at UCLA School of Dentistry, in Implant Dentistry at Loma Linda University and in Prosthodontics at University of Aachen, Germany and holds a Master of Sciences degree in Oral Biology from UCLA. He graduated dental school from the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands (ACTA).

Since 1990 he resides in Los Angeles and has trained thousands of dentists worldwide the art and science of implant dentistry, bone and soft tissue grafting and his esthetic protocols. He restricts his patient and research work for over 20 years to dental implant therapy and bone & soft tissue reconstruction, is Course director in Implant Dentistry at UCLA Continuing Dental Education.
He is past-president of the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO), and past-Board member of AO’s Osseointegration Foundation. He was the program chair of the EAO 2000 annual scientific congress, recipient of the young investigator fellowship of the American Academy of Periodontology, the Implantology award of the California Society of Periodontists and the German Implant Society Research award. He is an honorary member of the South African Society of Periodontology.

Ulf Wikesjö received his DDS from Lund University, Sweden, and a DMD from Temple University, Philadelphia, PA; certification for advanced training in Periodontology at Lund University from the National Board of Health and Welfare, Sweden, and from Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA; and a Ph.D. (Odont. Dr.) on Experimental Wound Healing from Lund University. Dr. Wikesjö currently holds appointments as Professor of Periodontics, Oral Biology & Maxillofacial Pathology, and Graduate Studies; Director, Laboratory for Applied Periodontal & Craniofacial Regeneration, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA; and Adjunct Professor of Periodontology, Malmö University, Centre for Oral Health Sciences, Malmö, Sweden. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology. He serves on the Editorial Board of several scientific journals in Periodontology and Implant Dentistry.


This all new DVD in the series shows the very latest in Bone Regeneration using the new technology rhBMP-2/INFUSE bone graft.

Disc 1: 98 minutes
Disc 2: 93 minutes

BMPs have an unparalleled potential to augment alveolar bone and support implant osseointegration and long-term functional loading. Inclusion of BMPs for alveolar augmentation and osseointegration will not only enhance predictability of existing clinical protocol but radically change current treatment paradigms. Inclusion of the bone-inductive oral implant in the treatment panorama may make 'grafting' and GBR procedures altogether obsolete.



  • CASE 1: Simultaneous Extraction, Implant Placement and Ridge Augmentation in the Anterior Maxilla with rhBMP-2/Titanium mesh
  • CASE 2: Sinus Bone Augmentation with rhBMP-2/bone filler and Implant Placement in minimal crestal bone height
  • CASE 3: Extraction Site and Vertical Ridge Augmentation in the lower anterior with rhBMP-2/Titanium Mesh

by Dr. Sascha A. Jovanovic


  • Lecture on Bone Morphogenetic Proteins, A Realistic Alternative to Bone Grafting

by Dr. Ulf Wikesja

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